Pre-Clearing Surveying Services
What Are Pre-Clearing Surveying Services?
Pre-clearing surveying services cover the necessary identification and marking of critical environmental features in an area prior to developmental clearing. It involves ecological evaluations conducted before any vegetation removal or significant environmental alterations involved with a development project. The process also involves identifying and marking crucial features such as hollow-bearing trees, priority vegetation species, microhabitats, and threatened or endangered flora and fauna. Pre-clearing surveys are intended to ensure minimal disruption to the ecosystem.
When is Pre-clearing Surveying Required?
Pre-clearing surveys are necessary whenever a planned developmental project involves any activity that may impact the environment, such as vegetation removal or habitat modification. Consulting a company that can conduct pre-clearing surveying services is vital to comply with the relevant environmental regulations. They are also necessary to ensure the protection of at-risk and endangered flora and fauna and their habitats.
Want to speak to an ecologist?
Give us a call, send us an email or fill out the contact form and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.
PHONE: 02 7813 6119
Why Choose East Coast Ecology?
When you work with East Coast Ecology for pre-clearing services, you guarantee sustainable and responsible product management and development. You’ll work with a dedicated team of highly qualified expert ecologists passionate about environmental conservation. We have an in-depth understanding of regulatory requirements for all ecological projects.
East Coast Ecology is proud to offer a variety of sustainable and eco-friendly practices that can minimise the environmental impact of developmental projects. In addition to our pre-clearing surveying services, we also provide Flora and Fauna Assessment Reports and Environmental Impact Assessments, which can be extremely helpful if your development project impacts the environment and you want to ensure you’re as safe and responsible as possible.
How Pre-Clearing Services Save You Money
Investing in pre-clearing surveying can save your organisation money in the long run by minimising the potential for costly fines, project delays, and environmental damage in the future. By adhering to the relevant legislation and policies associated with your project, you can avoid any issues that may be overlooked without a pre-clearing survey.
East Coast Ecology’s professional ecologists ensure that all the necessary permits and approvals are obtained for your project, removing potential roadblocks down the line. We are proud to present a proactive approach to identifying and addressing environmental concerns, minimising any unforeseen expenses related to habitat restoration and remediation.
What is Included with Pre-clearing Surveying Services?
Our pre-clearing surveys are strategically designed to be clear and concise for both you and the relevant authorities who must approve your project. Our services include the following information:
Once we’ve met with you and discussed your needs, we’ll carry out the following:
Identification and description of the site
Description of the proposed clearing development and its impact on the habitat and natural vegetation, flora, and fauna
Propose our pre-clearing survey plans and how they will affect your project
Legislation, policy, and controls
Our pre-clearing surveying services address and adhere to all relevant legislation, policy and
guidelines, including:
Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 & Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017;
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 & Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021;
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999;
State Environmental Planning Policy (Resilience & Hazards) 2021 (formerly Coastal Management);
State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity Conservation) 2021;
Water Management Act 2000, Fisheries Management Act 1994 & Biosecurity Act 2015;
Local Environmental Plans & Development Control Plans (relevant to your local government area); and
Consideration of the proposal against the thresholds of the NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS)
Pre-clearing Survey Report
We’ll make notes and outline our findings as we survey the impacted area. These will include:
A description of the presence of flora and fauna species
Detection of threatened species and habitats, including Threatened Ecological Communities (TECs)
Measures to avoid disturbance of vegetation during clearance
Recommendations for how clearing can be carried out safely and sustainably and how you can prevent disturbance to vegetation and the spread of weeds and pathogens
Locations of marked habitat features for preservation — including hollow-bearing trees, threatened flora and fauna, microhabitats, and priority vegetation
Post-clearing Survey Report
Once the clearing has been completed successfully, our ecologists will provide a concise post-clearing report. This report will include the following:
An assessment of the habitat and the handling of flora and fauna
Information on clearing operations
Live sightings and fauna rescues
Recommendations for future practices and any other required ecological assessments
Once you’ve been approved to go forward, you’ll be able to carry out your clearing with the peace of mind that comes with a pre-clearing survey from us. After our surveys and reports, we’ll provide you with comprehensive and tailored recommendations, advice, and notes on the whole process and what you can do to ensure your continued sustainability in the future. We’ll also inform you of other ecological services you may require for your project, and can provide further environmental consulting where required.
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Give us a call, send us an email or fill out the contact form and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.
PHONE: 02 7813 6119