Project Ecologist Services
East Coast Ecology provides a range of project ecology services
We deliver an extensive range of ecology services across developmental projects. Our project ecologists are brought on board to ensure that development is both environmentally sustainable and in line with the obligations of the relevant regulatory authorities. Working with local councils, the NSW Department of Planning, governmental bodies, and commercial developers, we service all sectors and types of developments across New South Wales.
Fully licensed, strictly compliant, and committed to providing valuable, efficient, and seamless support, our project ecologists have assisted a wide range of development projects in meeting approval and compliance obligations, while protecting the natural environment. To learn more about our project ecologist services or speak to one of our team members about a specific project, get in touch today by enquiring online or giving us a call.
Need project ecology services?
Give us a call, send us an email or fill out the contact form and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.
PHONE: 02 7813 6119
EMAIL: admin@ececology.com.au
Our project ecologist services include:
We deliver project ecologist services designed to support developments across a variety of sectors. Our project ecologists are there to find the balance between environmental consciousness and meeting the demands of the development requirements. Our project services include:
Land clearing services: Our experienced environmental consultants and ecologists provide environmentally-friendly pre-clearing and land clearing support, including fauna capture and relocation.
Flora and fauna impact assessments (FFA): Reporting, monitoring, and where required, translocation services for native flora and fauna across the proposed development site.
Protection and salvaging of hollow-bearing trees: Loss of hollow-bearing trees is one of the key threatening process (KTP) of development projects. We’ll assess, protect, and salvage hollow bearing habitats on your land.
Wildlife next box installation & monitoring: Our team will install nest boxes, providing shelter and nesting sites for wildlife such as bats, birds, bees, and arboreal animals when development involves the removal of habitats and hollow-bearing trees.
Aquatic ecology: East Coast Ecology are qualified to support and supervise the removal and de-watering of dams, ponds, lakes, and any other water bodies on the land.
Where our project ecologist services cover
The team at East Coast Ecology are the most experienced and qualified Project Ecologists across Sydney and the New South Wales region. We hold all relevant certification across Project Ecologist Services and operate across Greater Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Newcastle, Central Coast, Port Macquarie, North Coast, Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla, Hunter Valley, Wollongong, Illawarra, Southern Highlands, Goulburn, Yass Valley, Hill Tops, Upper Lachlan Shire, and the rest of regional New South Wales.
Frequently asked questions for project ecologists services
When should you start working with a project ecologist?
Ideally, stakeholders should engage in project ecology services as soon as a project enters the design phase. Development projects, especially ones involving complex arrangements are very likely to require multiple ecology surveys as part of the application requirements for developmental approval (DA) — the sooner project ecologists are brought on board to the team the sooner they can take the necessary steps to prepare the required reports for a smooth and early DA submission.
Involving an ecologist after the design stage is also possible, but doing so may result in more difficulty in making changes to development plans from the survey results.
How quickly can a project ecologist provide me with the required reports?
Having worked with many developers, we understand that time is of the essence for your development project. At East Coast Ecology, our dedicated team of project ecologists works quickly to provide you with quotes and timelines to help you budget and plan accordingly.
Depending on the number and type of surveys required, the delivery of the required reports can vary greatly. We will do our best to expedite the process wherever possible, but there are some surveys that will invariably have longer delivery times due to the nature of the species being evaluated.
For example, some protected species can only be reliably evaluated during certain seasonal periods, which can cause unexpected delays. In such cases, our project ecologists make every effort to inform you of these constraints ahead of time.
Why are project ecology services required?
Project ecologists are brought onto development projects by relevant authorities to ensure that the development meets the environmental requirements and preserves the native flora, fauna, and biodiversity values of the land.
Development Applications (DA’s) will often necessitate the expertise of an ecologist to determine what needs to be preserved on the land. In cases where biodiversity values are recognised at the property, an ecologist may be required to undertake an environmental impact assessment report, biodiversity development assessment report, or flora and fauna assessment report to assess the land and environment, and make recommendations to the development project to protect and conserve any potential threats to the native landscape.
What is a pre-clearing survey and report?
A pre-clearing survey refers to the monitoring and assessment of a landscape prior to development, and is particularly important in areas where vegetation clearing may impact native animals and sensitive habitats. The survey will occur prior to vegetation removal and will include flora and fauna assessments, threatened species, and any habitats present on the site. The goal of a pre-clearing survey is to monitor and report on any prevent harm to native flora and fauna prior to clearing itself.
Why are hollow-bearing trees so important?
A hollow-bearing tree is a tree that has a trunk containing hollows, holes, or cavities that make great habitats for native wildlife. The naturally hollowed-out area provides refuge from weather and predators, and safe sites for roosting and breeding. Clearing out or removing hollow-bearing trees can have severe impacts on the wildlife that call these trees home – in fact, loss of hollow-bearing trees is listed as a Key Threatening Process (KTP) under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
As part of project ecology services, East Coast Ecology will monitor, preserve, and salvage hollow trees to maintain these precious habitats. And when development involves the removal of hollow-bearing trees, we can install and monitor nest boxes to replace lost habitats.
Contact us
for a free quote
We would love to hear from you.
Give us a call, send us an email or fill out the contact form and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.
PHONE: 02 7813 6119
EMAIL: admin@ececology.com.au